Merdeka Raya IPG Kampus Keningau 2011

Hai guys......

Nak update peristiwa on Merdeka Raya 2011...For ever first time I've celebrated Merdeka Raya in Keningau....Not was fun, enjoyable and burp......hahahahha......

The event started with dance performance by IPG's students and then....speach by Pengarah IPG....then started to eat......While we were eating, we were presented by many fun performance.....

I guess, this is the time that we can chat with our friends, mix all together like one family and forget about stress, pressure and just hit the fun......awesome.....

I was wearing a simple kebaya putih with pink scarf....and I enjoyed saw everybody were so beautiful on that nite and they seem so happy...

Orite..that's all folks....planning to mandi manda today.....I'll update you later as usual for your eyes....

 Me with simple kebaya

 Pose before went to the event

 My lovely friends...

 with syazwan..

 luv this picture...with pikachu..

me with nad..
 me with my rumate of coz...nisa...

 amy, nisa and nad

 with adik-adik

Thanks for reading my story :'-)

22 October 2011 and nasi impit kuah kacang

Hai guys.................

22 October 2011......still a long journey to go huh!!!!!...lambatnya nak balik ni....can't wait to see this keramat date because i will be going back to Semenanjung and meet my hubby.............yeyeyeyyeyeye

hmm....bersabarlah wahai hati.......but excited coz tomorrow IPG will be having Merdeka Raya 2011...and our class will be sponsoring nasi impit and kuah kacang...we ask help from Umi to cook the dishes.....hmm mesti sedap kan....geng si pika pulak sponsor makaroni....sedap jugak tu...tak sabar nak serbu booth die...........jaga korang.....

Last nite, we (me, Fulana, Mira n Nong) went to Hiap Lee bought all the stuffs to make the two dishes....woow...These are the items that we have bought last nite:

1) Nasi impit brand nona
2) Kacang
3) Asam jawa
4) Ajinamoto
5) Serai (cari punya cari, nasib baik jumpa kat Servey)
6) Stick
7) Cili kering
8) Gula

Rasenye ade lagi...tapi dah tak ingat.......byk kan...hmmmm its not easy to cook this dish...BTW...esok kami akan bergotong royong kat umah umi untuk tolong umi masak....Jgn risau ok Umi...We will be there for you.....Tetibe je.....(next time I want to go pasar with my hubby....feel the life of husband and wife..huuhuu..)

Ok chaw...I'll update later picture for your eyes....

 hmmm....sodapnyer ghupe....tak sabar nak tunggu esok

esok mesti bawak tapau.....

P/s: esok makan freeeeeeeeeeeeeee......
Thanks for reading my story :'-)

Monday Story....

Thanks for reading my story :'-)

What a boring weekend!

Hai guys..........

What a boring weekend huh?????nothing to do here....facebooking and blogging are the best theraphy when I am boring here....

Nothing much to do and I wish my hubby would be happy coz next week no lesson due to UPSR...yeyeyeyeyey....cuti membuat RPH.......i have about 3 weeks to go to complete my practical training....hopefully I can do my best during the last shot (PR2)......

p/s: honey...I miss u so much.......
Thanks for reading my story :'-)

Just Married

Haaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiii guys....

I am backkk....back to normal...but i just got married....i am someone's wife rite now...status has changed to Mrs Nizam....finally........ on 3rd September 2011 (Saturday) i was officially declared as Mrs Nizam.  The ceremony was held at my home...around 11.30 am the ceremony of nikah started....

The pelamin was set up on 2nd September 2011 and i am satisfied with this mak andam...the pelamin, baju nikah and the make up were nice and beautiful.  I looked different on that day... (cewah...angkat bakul sendiri).....thanks to my mum and my family because they did very hard work to organize this ceremony....I am so thankful and grateful because i have my family......without them i am nothing......sad..........
Alhamdulillah...i tabik spring kat my husband because he did only one lafaz....very good job.....i am so proud of him....heheheh...when i asked him....are you neves? he said that, "i am not, i just want to focus to do one shot only" funny.....Alhamdullillah...Allah S.W.T permudahkan segala urusan kami.....we did photoshoots, outdoors...and its fun.....after all finished, we helped each other to clean up everythings...........its tiring..........................

Thanks to my friends that came on that day....ela, maria and dearest bff coz she came on my big day.....thanks darl......I can feel the differences when the status has changed....Now, i have responsibility towards my husband.....and I have to learn many things to become a good wife.....the most memorable and sweetest moment was, he kissed my forehead after solat and I kissed his was very sweetest moment ever.......never felt this feeling before....for me..marriage is beautiful...i am glad and thankful because i got married..........Alhamdulillah....

But, its too sad...when I have to go back to was a very short time for me to spend my time with my was less than 24 hrs i become  a wife and we have to separate from each other....very sad moment at airport when I have to leave my jantung hati.....I cried.....and hoping that I can meet him very soon........BTW, maybe this is the best thing Allah S.W.T decides for us..I believes theres a miracle behind all these things.....Insyaallah.....

Now, i am alone here...bujang sementara..and he also alone there...........I hope he will be always dalam lindungan Allah S.W.T and I always prays for him.....Sayang...I miss and love you so much...wait for me......and I will be back on 22nd Oct and we plan to go for honeymoon.........yeyeyeye....destination??...still thinking............enjoy a few pictures during my big day...skit je....gambar yang lain still in d process........tak siap lagi...katenye end of this month baru siap...........tungggggggguuuuuuuuuuuu........

p/s: can't wait for my very big day on 25th dec 2011.....

 macam statue...time berinai


 practice...berangan before the actual day

 can't wait

 simple yet nice...i like...

pink and white for and white for wedding ceremony.......

Thanks for reading my story :'-)